Yardley Gobion Parish Council

Serving the Community of Yardley Gobion

Last of the Autumn colours - Chestnut Green - Nov 2011

Clerk: Miss Lesley Ratcliffe
9 Moorend Road, Yardley
Gobion, Towcester
Northamptonshire NN12 7UF

Tel: 01908 542150


The Planning Authority for South Northamptonshire (South Northamptonshire Council), is legally required to provide Parish Councils within its area with the opportunity to comment on any planning application that has been made within their relevant Parish boundary.

A Parish Council may also be advised (or request details) of a planning application that, although it may be outside their boundary, may still be considered to have an impact on their Parish.

The Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting (see Events Diary) contains the latest information given to the Parish Council by the Planning Authority.

SNC Online Planning Applications Register

  • Online Planning Applications Register

    This link allows the public to view all the available information about planning applications within South Northamptonshire, whatever their status, ie current, approved, refused, etc: