Yardley Gobion Parish Council

Serving the Community of Yardley Gobion

Last of the Autumn colours - Chestnut Green - Nov 2011

Clerk: Miss Lesley Ratcliffe
9 Moorend Road, Yardley
Gobion, Towcester
Northamptonshire NN12 7UF

Tel: 01908 542150

Parish Council


The Council comprises a maximum of 11 elected or co-opted parishioners. The Parish Clerk is a part-time paid employee, but the Councillors are unpaid, and provide their time voluntarily. The Council manages public facilities on behalf of the village, such as street-lighting, grass-mowing, allotments, play-areas, public seats and footpaths, and it monitors car-parking and dog-fouling.

The Council's duties are defined by law and it obtains its funds by setting a yearly precept to be included within the Council Tax collected by South Northamptonshire District Council.


The Parish Council meets in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month. The Agenda and Minutes of each meeting are posted on the notice board next to the Post Office and will also be published on this website. The Minutes Archive page will gradually be updated with copies of all the previous Minutes for which there are electronic versions.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings, and to participate during the Open Forum period. Any formal enquiries should be addressed to the Parish Clerk.


Chairman: Mr Bob Westlake, 53 Eastfield Crescent, Tel: 01908 542414

Vice-Chairman: Mrs Lesley Wolstenholme, 37-39 Moorend Road, Tel: 01908 543755


Mrs Tina Adey, Valley View, 5 High St. Tel: 01908 542709

Mr Tony Curtis, 7 Brownsfield Road. Tel: 01908 542632

Mr Brian Gray, 23 Warren Road. Tel: 01908 542626

Mr Chris King, 3 Orchard Close. Tel: 01908 542322

Mr Dusko Novakovic, 43 Eastfield Crescent.

Mr Mark Tunstall, 35 Moorend Road. Tel: 01908 542107

Three vacancies.


Please contact the Parish Clerk or any of the Councillors to register your interest or come along to the next Parish Council meeting.